Maximise potential of your people and build high performing teams!
Strengths Development Program tailored to your needs and aligned with your organisation’s culture I WANT TO EMPOWER MY PEOPLE!Maximise potential of your people and build high performing teams!
Strengths Development Program tailored to your needs and aligned with your organisation’s culture I WANT TO EMPOWER MY PEOPLE!What are benefits for the organisation on different levels (individual, team, and organisational)?
Organisations use the DISC 4D assessment combined with other tools (such as group training sessions, coaching tools, strengths-based feedback, and mentoring) to maximise the potential of all employees.
This strengths-based approach helps both managers and individual team members to continuously develop their strengths and effectively manage their weaknesses by providing proper training while harnessing other tools, such as personal support.
4D report is a comprehensive and sensitive tool that gives a truly four-dimensional overview of a person. It combines four analyses:
- DISC (Behavioural Styles)
- Values (Hidden Motivators)
- TEAMS (Thinking Styles and Preferred Team Roles)
- BAI (Behavioural Attitudes)

- Strength development & weakness management
- Personal development & team development (bringing value to a team and promoting diversity and collaboration, facilitating an open dialogue both within a team and with different stakeholders through use of precise, non-judgmental language)
- Leadership skills development based on recognition of people’s dominant behavioural styles (such as effective communication, providing recognition, giving feedback, delegating, motivating, or resolving conflict)
- Public speaking skills development
- Energy & stress management and task prioritisation
- Sales & negotiation skills development
- Decision making
- Individual and group problem solving
The strenghts-based approach will help to harness the power of your people, as they will:
understand what their real strengths are and what motivates them
identify areas for development and learn what their weaknesses and stressors are
effectively leverage their strengths in the workplace
understand how to manage their weaknesses
appropriately modify their behaviours owing to the understanding of their dominant behavioural style
communicate and cooperate within a team and with a wide variety of stakeholders more effectively
prevent unnecessary conflicts and operate more effectively
reach a source of intrinsic motivation, i.e., the "driving force" which makes them willingly take action
believe in their strengths and act bravely and in harmony with themselves
understand in what type of working environment they thrive
understand the behaviours of others (their co-workers, subordinates, managers, customers, and other stakeholders)
focus on their strengths instead of focusing on that which does not work
wisely develop their potential and help others work with it
stop comparing themselves to others and gain more self-confidence
implement specific supporting actions in harmony with themselves in their workplace
- To increase individual team members’/leaders’ performance through identification and improvement of their strengths
- To raise team performance through the promotion of a culture of collaboration based on appreciating differences between people and drawing on each team member’s strengths
In other words, all participants will be taken through the strengths-based development process and learn how to focus on their strengths and manage their weaknesses by passing this simple, three-stage 3D System:
3D system of development

4A approach to dealing with difficult situations
Regarding putting all knowledge into practice, all team members will come to understand how to use the most effective methods for dealing with difficult situations, based on the following 4A Approach:
- Appreciate the differences between people
- Articulate your feelings and thoughts in safe, precise, and non-judgemental language
- Analyse the situation to decide if you can draw upon your dominant behavioural style or if there is a need for adaptation to meet the specific needs of the given case
- Adapt your behaviour if needed, and open up a dialogue with people involved in the situation
Identifying each participant's DISC/TEAMS/VALUES/BAI profile
All participants will receive the full report regarding their strengths and style of behaviour on the day of the workshop, during which we will analyse it thoroughly and work with it intensively. Please read more about the difference between DISC and DISC 4D Report.
Our revolutionary 4D Report (DISC, Values, TEAMS, and BAI) combines 1440 unique points of comparison. This makes our 4D assessment the most comprehensive and sensitive behavioural tool available on the market.
Please read also:
How does 4D Report DISC/TEAMS/VALUES/BAI differ from other diagnostic tools?
An interactive workshop-style group training programme
Format: One-Day Intensive Workshop (8 hours + breaks) or two Half-Day Workshops (4 hours + breaks)
Experiential learning;
- Working in small groups/pairs (guided by a trainer)
- Icebreaker + reinforcing exercises
- Brainstorming and flipchart notes
- Working with metaphors
- Group discussion
- Roleplay
- Case studies
- Use of visual aids (videos + keynote)
Facilities/Materials: a conference room with U-shape setup, preferably; projector with loudspeakers, flipchart with 25 sheets of paper, coloured markers, additional materials (hard copies) to be delivered by a trainer.
Follow-up individual sessions
Therefore, one or more follow-up sessions should be set at a later date, spread across several weeks.
Each team member will be provided with coaching and mentoring support in the following areas:
- Development and implementation of the strengths-based action plan and in-depth analysis of where there is room for improvement
- Getting unstuck, if the person needs to deal with some difficult situation
- Any problems indicated by an individual, such as stress and energy management, improving communication (including assertiveness), and conflict resolution
Learning is a process of acquiring knowledge and attaining skills and attitudes (KSA).
Training refers to the planned acquisition of knowledge, skills, and attitude. In other words, training is connected to delivering KSA to learners, and in contrast, learning is the process of absorbing KSA by trainees.
The long-term process of implementing different interventions for an individual or a group is called development. It is a future-oriented process that includes a variety of activities, such as formal education, coaching, and training. In other words, it is a long-term process that aims at unlocking individuals’ and teams’ potentials.